BSc (First Class Honours) Psychology
University of Calgary
I attended the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada for my undergraduate degree. I started in September 2015 and graduated in June 2020. I completed a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with First Class Honours and a minor in Sociology.
I knew that I wanted to do Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology so I focused as much of my coursework on that as I could. As such, I took courses on leadership and motivation, personnel selection, and research methods in I/O. I also took Sociology of Work to expand my knowledge of work further outside of psychology.
From my second year to my final year of my undergraduate degree, I worked as a Research Assistant (RA) in Dr. Thomas O'Neill's Individual and Team Performance (ITP) Lab to gain experience in I/O research. My time in the ITP Lab was invaluable. I was able to expand my knowledge on research methods and learn about teamwork and team development. Further, I was provided with opportunities to lead projects and present at conferences to represent the lab as a whole.
I also completed independent research study courses to further my research experiences. The first of which, in Fall 2018, was on human resource management systems and employee injuries supervised by Dr. O'Neill, Dr. Nick Turner from the Haskayne School of Business, and Dr. Turner's PhD student Steve Granger. The following Winter 2019 semester, Dr. Turner and Steve Granger supervised a second independent research project of mine, the interaction of job autonomy and task uncertainty on work injuries. During this time I worked with Dr. Turner as a RA as well. This involved working on manuscripts to submit to journals based my independent research projects and tasks such as coding articles for PhD student Zhanna Lyubykh's meta-analysis.
In my final year, I completed the honours program. Dr. Turner and Steve Granger continued to be my advisors for this. My honours project, titled "Support for Safety from Different Sources Predicts Safety Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Job-Related Affective Well-Being", examined how support for safety from different sources within an organization, namely senior managers, direct supervisors, and co-workers, can impact employee safety behaviours and injuries through job-related affective well-being. Across three studies the results were inconsistent so I do not have a nice clean conclusion to state here, but I am more than happy to talk about the findings if you would like to reach out to me to learn more. Also, we have continued to refine a modified version of my honours thesis to submit to a journal so hopefully one day soon I will have a link to the paper here for those that are interested.